Agribusiness Consultant

After gaining a Bachelor of Agriculture from Massey University, majoring in Agricultural Systems & Management (1992), I followed a very traditional path through the dairy industry, culminating in the purchase a dairy farm in Woodville. After selling this farm in 2016, I utilised the knowledge experience and passion I had for people and dairying businesses, joining DairyNZ as a Senior Consulting Officer, serving the Lower North Island region.  A role facilitating farmer to farmer learning, disseminating new research and development work and supporting positive on farm change. 

In 2022, I transitioned to LIC as an Agri Manager, working closely with clients across the Manawatu and Tararua with herd improvement decisions, identifying opportunities that existed to take their herd genetic gain to the next level.

I am married to Andrea and have two adult children.

I’ve also held leadership roles on the Federated Farmers National Executive and served as the Head National Judge for the NZ Dairy Industry Awards.

I value building strong trusted relationships and working with farmers to achieve their goals.


Specialist Areas
Group facilitation
Facilitating farmer to farmer learning
Disseminating new research and development work
Supporting positive on farm change
Herd improvement decisions