Martin has worked as an agricultural consultant since graduating from Massey University in 1981 primarily in the dairy sector. Initial years through the 80's were spent with the MAF in Dannevirke.

After a two year OE experience where he met his wife Cathy they returned to NZ settling in the Manawatu where Martin established himself as a specialist in the dairy sector.

The dairy industry has experienced significant growth over the last decade requiring sound financial and management planning to achieve a successful and sustainable business that can take advantage of the opportunities and provide high returns for its owners. Martin works with dairy farming businesses of all scales, particularly those who have a focus on growth, providing management and strategic business advice

Specialist Areas
Business planning
Financial forecasting, monitoring and review
Management planning and review
Conversion to dairying
Facilitation of business groups
Family and business succession
Nutrient management planning
Membership & Qualifications
Bachelor of Agricultural Science
Member of NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management